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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The equation for the graph is y=.1032753786x+.7642729197.
Here is my Jacket Survey.
The questions i asked were How many jackets do you have and How many jackets have you left at school. I had good correlation between the questions except for one person.  For ever 1 jack you owned there is a 10 percent chance that it will get taken by Father Smokey.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

1st Trimester Reflections

1.  What is one thing that you are proud of so far this year in math?
Being able to under stand Chapter 4 really well.2.  What is one thing you wished you had done better on?
I wish i had done better on a 15/20 i got on a hw check.3.  Has Algebra been a challenge for you so far this year?  If yes, please list some topics that challenged you.
No it has not4.  List the topics in Algebra that you feel that you have mastered so far this year.
I have master everything from Chapter 1-Chapter 4
5.  Pick two goals for the 2nd trimester.  Then tell how you will accomplish these two goals.
Get an A+, by trying harder.

Service Learning and Math

1.  What is your social issue that is being addressed in your service learning?
Bridging the digital divide.
2.  Where do you go for service learning?
To the Goodwill3.  How does math relate to what you are learning while doing service?
A computer has to have a certain amount of mercury for a person to be able to see the screen.



Chapter 4 Vocab
